Monday, September 3, 2007

Hello Everyone....thanks to Kimberly Bonnett for two more wedding pictures. She took a bunch at the wedding and these are two of my favorites. Cort is hugging his new aunt Haley.
Here's another one of the beaming bride and groom!
David and Haley came in Friday night to spend the weekend. On Saturday, David helped his dad trim bushes in the yard and do a lot more yard work. Haley and I had little errands to run. But, in the afternoon, they went for a spin on the motorcycle. What fun they had!
Our church had a "post wedding gift card shower" for them on Sunday night. Haley and I stayed at church all afternoon and fixed food. Donnie and David stayed helped set up tables. Mrs. Monette and Jackie came in the afternoon and we decorated the food table. Here is Mrs. Mae...she wanted to do the cake for them. She's done cakes for all the boys and their wives and she wanted to make sure she could do one for David and Haley. She's been like another Grandma to our boys. We all love her!
This is Denise...sorry it's a little blurry (must be the photographer...uh, that would be me!). During the shower, there was a running CD of David and Haley's life together up to this point.

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